The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Boys

*This morning I miss these three little boys! They love to wrestle and pile on each other. The tramp is perfect for them to jump and laugh and rough house. One of my very favorite nights was the first night they had their tramp and we laid in blankets watching for satellites. Jace just had a Birthday, already 6 almost 16. I love him and his brothers!
* I made a fun skirt last night
* Talked to Maralee on the phone for a long time. It felt nice. Mike Statton is so darn sick.
* I am going to a Birthday party for Mom at Jamestown today and dinner tonight.
*Washed Mom's feet and gave her a pedicure
*"Choice of Faith is an everyday decision"

Monday, April 16, 2012


* I am thankful this spring morning to be in Wallsburg
* Walked with Sam and drank in all the new fresh green
* Last Thursday on the way to the temple I stopped and checked on Mom. She was in a "bell" class. She looked so cute with her white hair. I felt like I was watching my own kindergartener at her first program. She was so innocent, watching for her letter to come up on the board so she would ring her bell at just the right time. I love her.
* Matt called last night, he sounded good
* " And this is the gospel, the glad tidings. . . " D & C  76:40