The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


*Tonight I am weary from worrying about this person. How I wish I could crawl in his brain and see the world the way he does.
* Picked a handful of red raspberries today.
* The hay is almost in the barn, maybe tomorrow.
* Kim's MRI came out good!!!!!!! Best news of the month!
*I am sad about Kelly and our misunderstanding.
* I am reading The Triumph of Zion I am ready for Zion.
*"And then when the time comes that these calamities we read of shall overtake the earth, those that are prepared will have the power of translation, as they had in former times, and the city will be translated." John Taylor

Monday, August 20, 2012


* Today I am thankful for a good night sleep.
* Waking up to my  love, who taught me last night "Don't Worry"
* Little Shawn who brought me a book lasts night to show me how he can read anything
* Bret organizing a barbecue with yummy meat we all loved
* Fly swatters on the back porch
* Feeling the excitement with the kids as school is starting
* Knelling around the table for family prayer
*"Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love." D&C 6:20

Saturday, August 18, 2012


* I am grateful today for three little boys that I love, and their pretty Mom.
* I keep thinking of going to the cabin with Kim and her kids. Abbie opened the closet with excitement and said,"look here's the vacuum!" Everyone was thrilled to see the slot machine. Lucy liked touching the stuffed animals and all Jayne wanted to do is to take a nap in the crib upstairs. That would have lasted all of 10 seconds. Archie would have loved to watch how his grandchildren have tender memories of the cabin. I can almost smell the sour dough pancakes this morning.
* I just ate cup of Trifle with fresh raspberries.
*"Be grateful for what breaks your heart, because it brings you humility." Kris

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A mistiy morning

* This picture touches my heart. I love the feel of mist in the air. The way Grady is looking up at his pretty Mom. Dax and Jase are holding on tight, but checking  for the little Vs that mean there is a  crab under the sand. Jamie thank you for patiently giving me all these many memories I can hold in my hand and relive often.
* Not sure what it is about the beach but it cleans my soul. The repeated sound of waves calmly washes away hurts. There is time to ponder.
* We weened the baby horses from their mothers and they are crying this morning. The Moms are just as sad.
* Tomorrow is Bret's Birthday. We are going down to lunch and to hear about their trip to Kansas with the Thompsons.
* In 3 Nephi we read about the 3 hour devestation that was followed 11 months later by the Savior's visit. Their were certain people who migrated to Bountiful, kind of like Bethlehem. This audience for Christ's coming is interesting to contemplate. It is comprised of people who self-selected. They came to observe normal religious duties. And as a result of that intention and commitment, they are present for a much greater event. Denver Snuffer.
* I would like to self select our family to the beach, maybe to the New Port Temple. I long to see those murals.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


*Oh to be young and in love!
*We had an incredable quiet, wonderful week at the beach
* Sharing tihe beach with Jamie's family was the best
* I got the greatest pictures to paint. o