The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


* I have had the "flew". I makes me so grateful for our home. I have clean sheets, a warm hair dryer, a toilet a jump away, and a man that will tickle my arms.
* This tree house on the water reminds me of a time in Hawaii when I got the flew. We were with three other couples. The morning was misty and cool. Everyone left for the day and I got to read and study on the back porch all alone. I think I was reading Shell Seekers. It was the most wonderful day. I treasure down times to think and be grateful.
* I wonder what Bret and Matt are doing on this Tuesday morning?
* I hope little Lucy will feel better soon. Kim has had Max and Jayne all sick, and I know her back is hurting her. I am praying for health for everyone as we near Friday and our girl's outing.
* "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36"26

Monday, March 14, 2011

* The snow is almost melted off the lawn.
* Matt helped me wash all the windows. We can see spring coming now.
* Bret and Matt just drove away with Matt's clothes and an old washer and dryer. I wonder what lays ahead for them? Matt was smiling. Bret is wonderful!
* I can hardly wait to see my three daughters at one time. Here we come Chicago!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Matt is Home

* Matt is home tonight! We made corn beef sandwiches and he was so appreciative. He is loving life at the moment. He cleaned the garage out and wants to go fishing.
* We just watched Jimmer make 52 points for BYU. Bret is down watching the game in Vegas.
* The weather is warm it feel so nice.
* If we have patience all things seem to finally work out. I am hopeful for the future.

Monday, March 7, 2011


* Last night was a perfect Sunday night. Tom and I spent time in Bret's home. There were yummy smells, calm children with great big hugs. Bret and Nic were cutting up strawberries for New Beginnings together. It makes me so happy to see their service to their ward. We talked of Matt, and our hopes.
* The Miller Home was filled with black karate bodies performing, Abbie's proud announcement that she new all the states and capitols, Lucy running as fast as lightening, Emilee's new running shoes that are going to carry her across many finish lines, Max and Jason's new hair cuts, little Jayne limp as a noodle with a fever, heavy on Kim's chest, but heavy concern for Kim's back. My fear of forgetting comes to the surface every time I realise I missed out on long periods of time when I forget to ask. Kim will you please help me by calling me and counting me as your best friend. I want to know. I am so grateful for your gratitude journal, in a few seconds I can get the feel of your life. I love your honesty. I can feel you close with your words. I think I just need one of Grandma's signs reminding me to visit your journal. I want to Pay attention and stay close.
* "The quality of life is in proportion, always to the capacity for delight, the capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention."

Sunday, March 6, 2011


* Today I am thankful for a good nights sleep. Life is so much better if we sleep.
* We have spent days with Bonnie and Mark. They have worked endlessly to try and figure out Mom's Finances. Diane and Paul have been up. We are all weary. Mom is confused.
* I am so ready to be still on this Sabbath Morning.
* "Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything." Mother Teresa

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In the Details

* The tiny details of a flower often go unnoticed. They are the most fragile and amazing. The details of our life often go unnoticed, except to ourselves. What do I think about when I am alone? What small things can bring me happiness? Who do I choose to spend my time with?
* Yesterday was our 39th Anniversary. We sat at Carrabbas and talked about wedding and honeymoon. We each remembered such different things. Why didn't I write some of them down?
* I love my partner! These have been such happy years!
* I can feel Spring in the air.
* 9 more days till we go to Chicago!!!!!!
* "Here is home, an old thread, long tangled, comes straight again."