The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Friday, June 17, 2011

A new day

*When I get the most discouraged I just need to breath and wait for the morning. It is always better, fresh and alive with new hope. I have learned so much from working at the temple these last two years. Something that frightened me so has become my greatest joy. As I looked at the sisters faces who I have trained, I feel such warmth for them. Humble Sister Monson sitting across from me in the rocking chair with her eyes closed trying so hard to remember, lonely Sister Mutz who casually mentioned at the end of our day that her liver is only working 15%, and Sister Davis who raises her arms and beams when she mentions about our sins being washed clean. I think these ladies will be my friends forever. I will miss quiet times studying with them. They are my inspiration.
* The kids came to sleep last night. Max fell asleep on the chair and ottoman watching Sports Beat with Tom. I can't get him to budge to get him to a bed. He is in a coma. How did he get so big? I don't think I can carry him anymore. Katy is talking in her sleep, Lucy chose a cubby to sleep in so she didn't have to have the deer on the wall watch her sleep, Abbie and Jayne are all wrapped up in each other in Archie's Room. I just rubbed Tom's sore shoulders, he says he walked a million miles today doing the sprinklers without me. He is slimming down! I am ready to go crawl back in bed and wait for the real sunrise.
* I am thankful for life!
* "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee." Job 42:5

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I watch every morning for the poppies to bloom. Each year I promise that I will take an easel outside and paint them. This year is different, I am going to paint them. For some crazy reason they are challenging me to see if I can make time for this inner need. Tom and I have our usual spring overwhelment. We wonder what we are doing caring for this big piece of property. How did we get here? We love it, in fact it is our piece of heaven, but we are watching our strength and enthusiasm wane. We crawl in bed so tired, knowing what waits the next morning. Tom is loosing weight. He is brown and handsome. I wish we could snap our fingers and find ourselves in a cozy home with two horses and a small yard. We did build this life and we must figure it out.
* "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?. . . Nay, in all things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." Romans 8: 35,37

Monday, June 13, 2011


* McKinnley gets to go to Nauvoo! Oh what fond memories I have of that little town. McKinnley when you walk down the road to the river with the signs and the testimonies drink it all in for all of us. When you get to enter that historic temple breath deep and listen, many miracles have happened there. Call me when you get home and share one of your journal entries. You must write things down or you will forget. I love you Kenners. You are my first born grandchild, heart of my heart. Have a blast and make some new friends. I will be waiting to hear from you.
* It is a beautiful morning. I am thankful for the sun and the green fields.
* Today is a day to celebrate.
* "The gradual increase of light radiating from the rising sun is like receiving a message from God. . . granted according to our desire, worthiness, and preparation. Such communications from our Heavenly Father gradually and gently "distil upon our souls as the dews from heaven." Elder Bednar

Sunday, June 12, 2011


*Is this child magical or what? She can hardly wait. Her eyes are glowing and my heart is always stirred by her. Millie I love you!

* It is Sunday morning early and I am walking out to turn off one of the sprinkler lines that has been on too long. I want to pick some lilacs for Kathy. Her liver has now shut down and she keeps throwing up. Wish I could trade days with her and give her a break. I am trying to learn.

* Yesterday the "up the hill" kids helped us pick up rocks so we took them to the rodeo last night. We ran up the the volcano at the Homestead. Little red haired Lance, who came to live with his Mom and her boyfriend, cut off the PRIZE elk's beard. I mean the elk head that is five feet tall and its nose almost touches you as you step inside the front door. He didn't even think to hide the cut hair on the ground. What was he thinking? I hope he stays alive this summer. That kid reminds me of one of Peter Pan's lost boys.

* I cut Anna Belle's hair short. We washed it four times and it still needs another 10 times.

* The whole Miller family sat in the hot sun yesterday trying to sell lemonade. I think I was their only customer.

* Sam and Arron our new neighbors are coming for dinner tonight. I like them. They are young and happy.

* Tyler helped me tie an old window frame in the fairy tree. Now I need some little children to come and gather their treasures from the pink trunk and hang them "thither and yon" as Jane would say.

"Sincere desire and worthiness invites the spirit of revelation into our lives." David Bednar

Saturday, June 11, 2011


* Matt is doing so good. Thank you Bret and Nic! Thank you Archie!

* The hay sprouts are appearing in the fields.

* We have picked up another million rocks.

* Mom, Shawn and Tyler stayed a night. It felt so nice.

* Adam, Jess, Shawn, Jenny and a friend spent the night in the loft last night. I just took them down to begin their 26 mile race down to the Provo Tabernacle. What great kids.

* We broke a water line two nights ago, and spent the night in water, mud, and wind. Bed never felt so good.
* I need to study and walk long bench.

* "Lord what wilt thou have me do?" Acts 9:

Monday, June 6, 2011


* Max took first in the fourth grade field day marathon, and almost first in the whole school. He is sporting his new summer hair cut, a first place ribbon, and an otter pop. I love how Max humbly responds to his many athletic accomplishments. He is a kind, obedient, hard working child. Friends flock to him, and the girls are going to have to wait. Max you are a winner! We are always proud of you!
* Tom and I changed the water twice today. Tonight the sky was so beautiful. That gorgeous afterglow as the sun goes down. We ate chocolate pudding on the back swings. Mine hot, Tom's cold. Life is good!
* I am painting, if feels so nice.
* "Those who diligently seek to learn of Christ eventually will come to know Him." Dieter F Uchtdorf

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


* We met at 5 Guys for a hamburger and Lucy ran up to me at started singing every words to a new Primary Song, dispite the fact that there were people squished in every inch. She has so much confidence right now, I hope she never looses it. This morning she stood on her fireplace ledge and sang every single song for her kindergarten program with all the actions, hip swivels and smiles. I love this delightful child. May we all be more like her!

* Tom helped me plant geraniums this afternoon.

* We ate on the back porch. Baked Tilopia, Blue Cheese salad, fried zucchini and onions, and date nut bread.

* The night is warm and I can't sleep.

* I swam in Mom's pool this morning, the heater is broken and it was mighty chilly.

* We planted Mom's flowers.

* "I'd like to bestow an award on grandparents who, are not content to live their lives in their children's shadows, but continue to grow and work independently and enthusiastically." Leo Buscagilia