*Flowers seem to sum everything that is quiet and beautiful in the world.
*Mom just called and she has lost her purse again. This happens every other day. She is devastated, she thinks her whole life is in there. We need to duck tape it to her chest. I know it is there because I saw her take into the house last night. I bet she hid it in the dryer.
*Yesterday Sister Rodgers, my favorite white haired, Grandma Schipper looking friend; fainted in initiatory. She was so embarrassed as the men in suits rusted into help her. She was so tired, worried, and overwhelmed with life. I wanted to wrap her up and take her home. I love her goodness and wisdom. I want to go to her house.
* Oh do I love to call Kelly's house and have Millie say, "Hello Grandma Clark"!
*I can't express the feelings of love I have for Bret. He is accomplishing the impossible. Day after day he is there, not giving up when things are hard. BRET I LOVE YOU!
*"Let us run with patience." Hebrews 12:1 "Keep thou my feet, I do not ask to see/The distant scene one step enough for me."