The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The gift of Memory

*I am grateful this morning for the gift of memory. So often I think of this 4th of July Parade. These three faces mean the whole world to me. I remember buying a yard and half of green gingham and squeezing out these three little sun tops. When I put them on there little bodies I thought these children were the most undeniable delightful creatures I have ever seen. Look at Kelly's mischievous grin. I was so proud to look at them as they sat in the gutter at the parade. I still am so proud of them and they make me feel tender at the bone.
* I had the most incredible dream last night. Kim was going to the Senior Dinner Dance and we went to Salt Lake to find her a dress. We walked into a tiny tasteful store, she saw the dress she wanted at first glance. She put it on and walked out of the dressing room. She was so elegant it took my breath away. The look on her face showed that she knew she was gorgeousness. The dress was a soft white, that draped to the back with lavish layers of material for a train. She twirled around and sat down and the dress made a big cloud around her.We bought it, and didn't even look at the price tag. Dad loved it. Maybe all this happen eons before, or maybe in the eons to come. I hope I get to go look for wedding dresses for the granddaughters. I hope the gift of this magnificent dream will stay in my memory forever.
* The Butters came to dinner. Lori helped make the rolls and Brownies.
* The Jazz beat the Miami Heat in overtime. . . what an exciting game. The best part was that Max called me afterward to talk about it.
*"Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all thing shall work together for your good." D&C 90:24

1 comment:

  1. Mom, I loved your call this morning telling me about your dream. I am hoping that experience is still to come. I could use a little something to make me feel beautiful. I will always remember looking for wedding dresses together. I am excited for you to come over on Monday. Love you!
