* Randy and Debbie came up and shared dinner with us. We were close in the booth and could talk freely. Tom and Randy are so much alike. Each day is difficult for them. They struggle to see joy. But for Debbie, gratitude and joy is in her every breath. I love her. We can connect instantly. We always end up crying over our family, and then laughing.
* The Nelson children came up to get some dinner because their Mom is sick. I gave them the clothing that Kim shared with me. Austin saw a darling red jacket, she smiled, and said, "I could love that jacket!" Nicki, had tried the jacket on earlier today and she struggled to get that jacket on like Cinderella's step sisters tugged to get that glass slipper on. It was a hoot.
* I am at peace.
* "When we confess our trespasses in prayer, we can begin to hear the teaching embedded in each mistake. Our lives are shaped as by water on stone; teachings arrive without ceasing in the reverberations of our repeated errors. We make the same mistakes again and again, until one day we hear their message; there is a better path, a truer way to live. When we finally receive the teaching, the need to repeat the same mistakes gradually falls away." Wayne Muller
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