The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grandview Neieghbors

* This was a trip down memory lane to have our old neighbors come to dinner. We sat for four hours around our table and laughed over so many growing up times. Berk was so funny. We talked of all the 40 children that were in our 5 houses, the many street and yard hours that we spent together. We are older and plumper but our hearts are so grateful for the blessing of living on Grand Ave, right down the street from the church and Westridge.These are our dear, crazy friends who played a big part in our child-rearing years. I love them.
* Randy and Debbie came to dinner last night and we cried together about life. They will always be our friends.
* . . .to loaf and invite the soul." Walt Whitman

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Soul Mate!

* I love having a soul mate that I wake up early to come see his new baby colt. He pretends he can't get his eyes open, or pull on his boots, but all the time he is just bursting with anticipation. He won't hold still for a picture or keep a straight face. But this is his time. He has hauled hay all winter long for this brief spring miracle. He is alive and joyful. I must always find joy in his joy. We have horses everywhere, coming out our ears. The house is surrounded with their noises. Breeding, nursing, pacing, running, bouting, munching, and finally collapsing for a nap in the sun. Our open windows make me feel I am constantly in the middle of this interesting horse story. Yesterday Tom's pride and joy Trigger was facing his first experience with mares. He ended up being kicked so hard and now he is down at Spanish Fork at the vet. We used to take our children to the doctor but now it is the horses. Tom's deep concern is still the same . He is a caring man. I love him and our horsey life.

* The first cherries of the year

* Mom came to Wallsburg and we rode around on the the 4 wheeler. We took a nap in my bed and then watched Oprah's last show. We loved it!

* "He who does not get fun and enjoyment out of his life needs to reorganizes his life." Kelly

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


* I love this beautiful child who is almost a Young Woman. Her adorable brown face that is at ease with life, big sparkly Check Spellingeyes, a grin that goes with the most beguiling giggle, and a touch of red fingernail polish here and there. Madison was the child to help me fold laundry and know just which drawers to put them in when Kelly was down with her back. She swims like a fish as is as limber as octopus. Madison inspires me!
* I am grateful for more sweet smelling rain??? I am. Everything is florescent.
* I am going to paint today!
* We pulled out the patio furniture, and cleaned the porch.
* "Fear not, little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come." D. & C. 35:27

Monday, May 23, 2011


* Emilee called last night and we talked. I want to hear her poem and see her art about the tulips at Thanksgiving Point. She runs like the wind. I love her!
* The morning is fresh from last night's rain.
* We had the year's first barbecued hamburger. The evening was beautiful.
* I am going to be with Margie this morning. We need to catch her mice!
* Clothed in Christ's enabling power and obedient to His will, Eve gave direction and purpose to all her faithful daughters."

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The number three

* The number three has never looked so delightful! I love these little boys! Sunday ties poking out over their collars. Dax's big grin, Jace has my tip of the head, Grady's serious eyes. What joy and enthusiasm they have brought to life. They look delectable to me. I would like to kiss those warm necks and hear them giggle. I am happy just thinking of them. I cleaned the sand pile out yesterday for them.
* I sat in the river yesterday because is was calmer, and cleaned out a giant damn of trees and branches. It felt like pulling a tooth after the water finally ran free. Ah! It reminded me of when I had my Birthday Parties at the cabin and we would always go on creek hikes. The river is louder today.
* Tahoe still hasn't had her baby this morning.
* Monday night all of our old neighbors are coming to dinner. I am so looking forward to it. I see the ladies but I haven't seen Gary or Burke for so long.
* Tom said Bret has some people wanting to sell and buy. I have my toes crossed.
* " Lord, I would place my hand in Thine, nor ever murmur nor repine, content, whatever lot I see, since 'tis my God that leadeth me."

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Point

* I love my Mom and sister. Won't it be grand when we are all the same age and healthy again. I wonder how close Dad is?
* Dear friends at Book Club last night, each working out of their home, trying to keep their families going.
* It snowed, rained, and howled all night. I worried about the new little filly, "Baby Jayne" and Tahoe. This morning they are still standing.
* President Daul told in prayer meeting at the temple that we all chose to come to earth at this very time to face these challenges and endure. The world will get more wicked and we will need to get stronger.
* ". . . feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." 2 Nephi 32:3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kade is a peacemaker

* Kade remember when we slept together in your bed in Orem. You had a bad cough and we had to sneak out on your front porch and sit in the cold air so that you could breath better?
* Remember when you put on my big rubber boots and helped Grandpa change the water?
* Remember when you taught me how to collect Nasturtium seeds?
* Remember when you made fairy hammock's for the girl's fairy house?
* Remember when I got to sit in the stands and cheer for you? I didn't even notice the cold wind because you kept making the most incredible tackles.
* Remember when I dropped you off to school and all your friends rushed over to walk by you?
* Remember when you stayed at Wallsburg and I was afraid of the pond because Maizie was so little? You stayed by her side the entire time and kept her safe.
* Remember when you counted all your missionary money on the bed in Seatle? I was so amazed. Then we walked in the rain and you showed me secret places.
*Remember when. . . I do! I love you Mr. Kade!
* " And ye will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably. . . " Mosiah 4 13

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dark Earth

* In Wallsburg I always feel like I am living, really living in each season. I think it is because of our drape-less windows, we can always feel the weather outside, inside, and my morning walks. Spring brings such hope. The earth is so dark and rich, just waiting for new growth. Tom and I have been getting the fields ready to plant. We started last fall tilling everything twice. This spring we have tilled again and then sprayed to kill the weeds. Then we tilled again and dragged to smooth everything out. You can see part of the drag that is a big metal frame with railroad ties welded to it. Tom would create a giant dust bowl as he drove back and forth. He would come in at night looking like a chimney sweep. We shower at night and crawl in bed so tired. I need to mention that we have cleared a million-zillion pounds of rocks. Nicki and Colby have helped us. We filled buckets with rocks and then poured them into the creek beds. We bought an entire truck load of alfalfa seed and oat seed as a cover crop to shade the alfalfa. Yesterday Paul came and helped us plant. We used our old planter and it worked like a charm. This is the first time we have ever replanted. Our bodies are tired but we are filled with great hope. We can hardly wait to see the first green sprouts. For the first time in months we are glad that the forecast is for rain. A perfect gentle watering. I love Wallsburg, the green of spring, and Tom.
* . . . and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you." Alma 34:38

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wahala Shines

* I am changed by watching the power of flooding waters. This is a picture of our old fairy hide away "Walhala Shines". We spent hours cleaning it out and putting treasures in the trees to lure the fairies in. We tied ribbons to the beams on the back porch to make ribbon fairy dresses. They still wait for little ones in the pink trunk on the back porch. But today there is a water fall booming through our hut. I have been cleaning fallen branches out of the over flowing streams. The sound is pounding at night. I have decided the best thing to do when mother nature sends a flood is to get out of the way. I can feel the cold empty feeling that haunts people who have their homes destroyed by floods.
* I am thankful for a nice dry house, a hot shower and a warm bed.
* I talked to Cindy Clark on the phone last night. It was good.
* "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others."

An early morning gift

* I woke up at 5:15 this morning but it was still dark so I rolled over an fell back to sleep. At 6:15 I jumped out of bed to check for a new horse and there was a little Apricot Buckskin Filly standing up nursing. Wish I would have put on my boots and taken a flash light out to check. I would have been part of the miracle. I can't imagine how Ice was able to carry this great big baby. She looks so much better today. Each day when I have checked her she would be laying down breathing so hard. Miracles are not easy!

* I am thankful for new life.

* I am happy for McKinnley's new braces.

* Matt is working for Kent, and he is doing a good job. He moved into a little house by Dixon.

* Tom is loosing weight!

* "Deeper hope is to see the sacred in the ordinary."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day

* Mother's Day lasted a whole week for me. I got the biggest kick out of watching Shawn make little endearments for his Mom at pre school and Primary. There was a whole pile of Mother I Love Yous.

* To my total surprise Sunday morning Tom had a big sack for me. A new white watch for the temple with numbers I can read without my glasses, and the yummiest perfume. I was flabbergasted. . . so fun! Too bad I had been grouchy the night before because he wouldn't help me vacuum up the flies in the loft.

Matt and Kevin came up for dinner, Matt brought me a big Symphony and Kevin a big strawberry plant. Jamie a happy Fresh Produce shirt and green ear rings, Kelly my favorite music the Tabernacle Choir and notes and pictures, Kim a funky big platter with chocolate strawberries. I have to admit they didn't even make it till morning. They were huge and so delicious. It was so fun to be with the Clarks and then to have the Millers come over. Monday night when I got home I had a nice juicy talk with Kelly and Jamie. I am so lucky to be a Mom.

* "Love may come and go, but a loving person, like the sun itself never loses her sustaining warmth."

The Clarks

* Now that is a face to love! I got the dearest telephone call from Shawn last night, I think he misses me. How nice to be missed.

* What a blessing to be in Nic and Bret's home for a week. I love the rhythm of a family. Responsible Jenny gets up first, followed by happy Tyler who gladly scrambles the eggs. Dear Katy and Tom always need a little more sleep. Shnaa comes up stairs with a big grin. Bret and Nic are such good parents! I love them, and their life. They are so good to Matt!

* Dad slept two nights at Clark's. . . that was a happy surprise.

* It is raining and I am taking Diane to the airport to pick up Paul. We should have a good talk about Mom.

* I can't wait for the poppies to bloom. This year I am really going to paint them.

* "The temple prepares all who enter to return homeward--homeward to heaven, homeward to family, homeward to God." President Monson