* I love having a soul mate that I wake up early to come see his new baby colt. He pretends he can't get his eyes open, or pull on his boots, but all the time he is just bursting with anticipation. He won't hold still for a picture or keep a straight face. But this is his time. He has hauled hay all winter long for this brief spring miracle. He is alive and joyful. I must always find joy in his joy. We have horses everywhere, coming out our ears. The house is surrounded with their noises. Breeding, nursing, pacing, running, bouting, munching, and finally collapsing for a nap in the sun. Our open windows make me feel I am constantly in the middle of this interesting horse story. Yesterday Tom's pride and joy Trigger was facing his first experience with mares. He ended up being kicked so hard and now he is down at Spanish Fork at the vet. We used to take our children to the doctor but now it is the horses. Tom's deep concern is still the same . He is a caring man. I love him and our horsey life.
* The first cherries of the year
* Mom came to Wallsburg and we rode around on the the 4 wheeler. We took a nap in my bed and then watched Oprah's last show. We loved it!
* "He who does not get fun and enjoyment out of his life needs to reorganizes his life." Kelly
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