The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Monday, October 17, 2011


* Camille Olsen took our Primary assignments so that we could do to Katy and Shawn's Primary Program. They both were the stars of course. It felt so good to sit with Bret and Nicole. Nicole gave the opening prayer. I am so thankful for her goodness! Jenny went to the pulpit and was welcomed in to Mia Maids. I love those good people in that ward. They helped us raise our kids. Everyone tells us how much they love Bret and Nicole.

* Both Kim and Matt have hurt backs today. Darn those Clark gens. Kelly has a bad cold and feels discouraged. Tom struggled to the bathroom at 8:00 gave me a short hug and slowly crawled back in bed. He hurts all over. Maybe today will be the day he will walk with me and eat better. Oh how I hope! My stomach feels so big and lazy.Learning how to take care of our bodies is a forever challenge.

* My morning walk took me down the Valley because the sun was hitting those mountains with brilliance. It rained all night so the air is crisp and the fall colors are bright. There are big night crawlers on the road. Tom got his fishing licence on Saturday, maybe we could go fishing this afternoon.

* "Broken souls can be healed only by one who takes that brokeness upon himself but doesn't break." James Ferrell

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