The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A real Christmas Angel

* I am thankful for this real live angel. She takes my breath away.
* Christmas at Kim's was so perfect!
* Bowling with the Clark's on Christmas Eve made the day fun. Bret hit 5 stikes in row.
* I am thankful for my family. I waited all day to talk with Jamie and Kelly. They sounded happy.
* ". . .there is joy in the presence of angels. . ." Luke 15:10

Friday, December 23, 2011

The night before Christmas Eve

* I am like a child, excited for Christmas Eve. I can't sleep so I get up to read. The night is clear and so cold. The stars are brilliant in the sky. I can feel the excitement of Santa in the air.

* I need to get down the Nativity Clothes to iron. I am so glad Kim wants to use them tonight. I look at them and always think of little Madison. It was the Christmas we lived in the white house on grand view. We needed to have three Marys this year. Jenny was fine about being an angel that pronounced the birth of the Christ Child. But McKinnley, Emilee, and Madison all wanted to be Mary. We had a cardboard stable with a big star. In front we had three small plastic chairs. McKinnley walked in first followed by Emilee, then came Madison. Madison was so tiny, I don't think she could talk. But she knew she wanted to be on the middle chair so she would just sit on top of the other two Marys and she would keep wiggling her butt until they scooted over. This happen in every practice and Christmas Eve. It was so funny. I love Madison. She was the perfect Mary. Wish she was going to be here tonight to be our Mary. I remember Max was the most adorable wise man with his cute round face, sporting a crown. Oh those years were fun.

* I am so thankful for the reason to Celebrate the Season!

* "And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger." Luke 2:7

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Soul Mate

* This morning I love this dear man who never likes me to take his picture. I am so lucky to share my life with him. He always pretends to be gruff on the outside, but inside he is so soft.

* We spent last night with Matt, watching him try on jeans to find just the right pair. Not the $15.00 ones Tom gets at the VF Factory. I get to wrap them and imagine Matt's face as he looked in the mirror. We both felt a change in Matt last night. He seems to be coming back to himself, oh I hope. He went to church last Sunday with Gabe, his new room mate. They are both going to be here for Christmas Eve. Hope Santa can leave some Christmas Spirit. So many Christmas's have been cold and lonely for Matt. There has been a river to cross for us to reach him. He wants his own family and life. I think I can feel a change in the air. There is somebody out there just waiting for him. When? Who?

* I found the most perfect Christmas Story. . .The First Nativity! My Christmas Present! Happy Day in the Morning.

* I keep watching the new church Bible Videos. They take my breath away. So quiet and gentle and perfect. I am so proud of all Jason's work on the set. Our family will always have a special connection with them because of Jason. I love Jason for his devotion to Kim's and Emilee's backs. All three of them are going to get stronger and feel better.

* I long to draw Mary.

"We will need to be like Mary and keep some things in our hearts and ponder them trustingly, for we too know more than we can tell." Neal A Maxwell

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The best of times

*I dreamed we were all together last night. We couldn't get enough of hugging each other. Someday we will all stand together, the same age, with the happiness that I can feel in these faces. The Lord has blessed me so generously with the greatest of families. I worry about different things about each child. Wishing I could make life easier for them. But when I look at these faces I know that I already have my wish. Everything really will be all right.
* Christmas is sheer joy.
* Nicole Butters and I shopped, wrapped, and delivered some sub for Santa items last night. It was a cold night and the stars were bright. We whispered and tip-toed to front porches. I felt like a child again. Maybe I experienced the joy that I felt when Brother Williams would come out on his front porch at night and dance and sing for the kids in the bushes.
*Nicole announced that we must do this every year because this felt like what Christmas is supposed to be.
*"That thine alms may be in secret."


Good things come in threes. I can feel this fun night, it will last a long time in my memory.

Love Diane, doesn't she look pretty.Mom is 91 and she looks 80 to me. Wonder if I will ever get her to Arizona with us? She is worring herself sick. Kelly, I love the necklace and ear rings you gave me, I wear them all the time. Love the tender words!
Santa Is Coming To Town!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


* This is our Christmas Card for the year.
Hope a fleece,
a sprout, a blade,
hope the upturned eye
the hope of worlds
this Christbirth night
awaits the morning sky.
Giles Florence
* I love December and all the Celebrating.
*We had the Wallsburg Book Group here on Tuesday. It was cozy and warm and fun.
* A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you. . ." Ezekiel 36:26

Monday, December 5, 2011


* I remember this night perfectly but I can't remember whose baby this is. Grady? Jayne? I know it isn't Kelly's, but it could be. I am in awe when I think of the love we have for each other's children. We could never give a child away but it would be easy to raise a sister's child.

* Yesterday was Fast Sunday and the Christmas Fireside. President Eyrin showed a beautiful clip of the nativity that was filmed down south in the new film set that Jason built. I am so proud of him! The cement work looked so authentic.The light that was created was amazing. We are going to be seeing a lot more inspiring film coming from that place. I wish his back would hurry up and get better. He has so many responsibilities.

* I drove down to Kim's Relief Society Lesson on Mary. That was my Christmas gift from her! She has such a dear presentation and strong testimony. I was so proud of her! Every time I turned around I received another gift, hugs from Emilee who helped with the Young Women lesson and sang at the morning side, Max who bore his testimony in Priesthood, Abbie's smile, Lucy's squeeze, and Baby Jayne's eyes you can drown in. I could feel how much the ward loves this family. They are a blessing to them and to me! Thank you Kim and Jason for putting the most important things first!

* Tonight my family comes, I am excited for this day to get ready.

* "As newborn babes--desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. . ." 1 Peter 2:2

Sunday, December 4, 2011


* I wake early is each morning excited to study, but the house is cold. I pile on several layers of warm clothing then go into the art room, plug in my trusty heater and all begins to warm. I watch the sky turn from dark to dawn. Slowly everything warms. This gift of time to study is such a blessing to me. I am thankful today for the warmth of the sun, and the Son.
* I went to Mom's house yesterday morning and she looked so tired and sick. Wish I could trade her places for a time. She wouldn't come up. I sure hope I can get her to Arizona with us! She has to come.
* I am looking forward for Monday night when we have our Bowden Family Christmas Dinner up here. Brent and Meem are coming.
* I sat in the car with Matt yesterday. It was a relief. I always hold my breath.Wish he would come up more.
* "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you. . . . and ye shall abide in him." 1 John 2:27

Saturday, December 3, 2011


*What a picture to express enthusiasm for life. I love it. There aren't too many big waves coming, and the water is nippy, yet Emilee and Jen are kicking up their heels. Bet the hot tub is going to have a mighty splash any minute!

* I am so happy. My life is blessed. We sit by the warm light of a Christmas Tree and light the candles around the baby Jesus.

*We are eating good and have yummy food in the fridge. Blackberries, pomegranates, and raspberries, Yum! Tom has lost 15 pounds, and he is happy too. He is growing a beard to express his wild side. Every time I look at him I want to laugh, sometimes I can't help it.

* I can't believe it but the dietitian that we have been going to in Heber told me to buy a pound of BYU fudge and cut it into 1 ounce pieces and have one every day. Holy Moly! How fast can I get down to BYU.

*"And if your body be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and the there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehended all things." D&C 88: 67