The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The night before Christmas Eve

* I am like a child, excited for Christmas Eve. I can't sleep so I get up to read. The night is clear and so cold. The stars are brilliant in the sky. I can feel the excitement of Santa in the air.

* I need to get down the Nativity Clothes to iron. I am so glad Kim wants to use them tonight. I look at them and always think of little Madison. It was the Christmas we lived in the white house on grand view. We needed to have three Marys this year. Jenny was fine about being an angel that pronounced the birth of the Christ Child. But McKinnley, Emilee, and Madison all wanted to be Mary. We had a cardboard stable with a big star. In front we had three small plastic chairs. McKinnley walked in first followed by Emilee, then came Madison. Madison was so tiny, I don't think she could talk. But she knew she wanted to be on the middle chair so she would just sit on top of the other two Marys and she would keep wiggling her butt until they scooted over. This happen in every practice and Christmas Eve. It was so funny. I love Madison. She was the perfect Mary. Wish she was going to be here tonight to be our Mary. I remember Max was the most adorable wise man with his cute round face, sporting a crown. Oh those years were fun.

* I am so thankful for the reason to Celebrate the Season!

* "And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger." Luke 2:7

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