The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Monday, December 5, 2011


* I remember this night perfectly but I can't remember whose baby this is. Grady? Jayne? I know it isn't Kelly's, but it could be. I am in awe when I think of the love we have for each other's children. We could never give a child away but it would be easy to raise a sister's child.

* Yesterday was Fast Sunday and the Christmas Fireside. President Eyrin showed a beautiful clip of the nativity that was filmed down south in the new film set that Jason built. I am so proud of him! The cement work looked so authentic.The light that was created was amazing. We are going to be seeing a lot more inspiring film coming from that place. I wish his back would hurry up and get better. He has so many responsibilities.

* I drove down to Kim's Relief Society Lesson on Mary. That was my Christmas gift from her! She has such a dear presentation and strong testimony. I was so proud of her! Every time I turned around I received another gift, hugs from Emilee who helped with the Young Women lesson and sang at the morning side, Max who bore his testimony in Priesthood, Abbie's smile, Lucy's squeeze, and Baby Jayne's eyes you can drown in. I could feel how much the ward loves this family. They are a blessing to them and to me! Thank you Kim and Jason for putting the most important things first!

* Tonight my family comes, I am excited for this day to get ready.

* "As newborn babes--desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. . ." 1 Peter 2:2

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that is my Lucy. Either Lucy or Jayne, but im 95% sure it is Lucy. Seeing Those chubby hands and fingers brightened my day. Now she is 6 and has her bag all packed and so excited to head to SLC tonight. CAn't wait to all be together. XOXO
