The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A real Christmas Angel

* I am thankful for this real live angel. She takes my breath away.
* Christmas at Kim's was so perfect!
* Bowling with the Clark's on Christmas Eve made the day fun. Bret hit 5 stikes in row.
* I am thankful for my family. I waited all day to talk with Jamie and Kelly. They sounded happy.
* ". . .there is joy in the presence of angels. . ." Luke 15:10

Friday, December 23, 2011

The night before Christmas Eve

* I am like a child, excited for Christmas Eve. I can't sleep so I get up to read. The night is clear and so cold. The stars are brilliant in the sky. I can feel the excitement of Santa in the air.

* I need to get down the Nativity Clothes to iron. I am so glad Kim wants to use them tonight. I look at them and always think of little Madison. It was the Christmas we lived in the white house on grand view. We needed to have three Marys this year. Jenny was fine about being an angel that pronounced the birth of the Christ Child. But McKinnley, Emilee, and Madison all wanted to be Mary. We had a cardboard stable with a big star. In front we had three small plastic chairs. McKinnley walked in first followed by Emilee, then came Madison. Madison was so tiny, I don't think she could talk. But she knew she wanted to be on the middle chair so she would just sit on top of the other two Marys and she would keep wiggling her butt until they scooted over. This happen in every practice and Christmas Eve. It was so funny. I love Madison. She was the perfect Mary. Wish she was going to be here tonight to be our Mary. I remember Max was the most adorable wise man with his cute round face, sporting a crown. Oh those years were fun.

* I am so thankful for the reason to Celebrate the Season!

* "And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger." Luke 2:7

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Soul Mate

* This morning I love this dear man who never likes me to take his picture. I am so lucky to share my life with him. He always pretends to be gruff on the outside, but inside he is so soft.

* We spent last night with Matt, watching him try on jeans to find just the right pair. Not the $15.00 ones Tom gets at the VF Factory. I get to wrap them and imagine Matt's face as he looked in the mirror. We both felt a change in Matt last night. He seems to be coming back to himself, oh I hope. He went to church last Sunday with Gabe, his new room mate. They are both going to be here for Christmas Eve. Hope Santa can leave some Christmas Spirit. So many Christmas's have been cold and lonely for Matt. There has been a river to cross for us to reach him. He wants his own family and life. I think I can feel a change in the air. There is somebody out there just waiting for him. When? Who?

* I found the most perfect Christmas Story. . .The First Nativity! My Christmas Present! Happy Day in the Morning.

* I keep watching the new church Bible Videos. They take my breath away. So quiet and gentle and perfect. I am so proud of all Jason's work on the set. Our family will always have a special connection with them because of Jason. I love Jason for his devotion to Kim's and Emilee's backs. All three of them are going to get stronger and feel better.

* I long to draw Mary.

"We will need to be like Mary and keep some things in our hearts and ponder them trustingly, for we too know more than we can tell." Neal A Maxwell

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The best of times

*I dreamed we were all together last night. We couldn't get enough of hugging each other. Someday we will all stand together, the same age, with the happiness that I can feel in these faces. The Lord has blessed me so generously with the greatest of families. I worry about different things about each child. Wishing I could make life easier for them. But when I look at these faces I know that I already have my wish. Everything really will be all right.
* Christmas is sheer joy.
* Nicole Butters and I shopped, wrapped, and delivered some sub for Santa items last night. It was a cold night and the stars were bright. We whispered and tip-toed to front porches. I felt like a child again. Maybe I experienced the joy that I felt when Brother Williams would come out on his front porch at night and dance and sing for the kids in the bushes.
*Nicole announced that we must do this every year because this felt like what Christmas is supposed to be.
*"That thine alms may be in secret."


Good things come in threes. I can feel this fun night, it will last a long time in my memory.

Love Diane, doesn't she look pretty.Mom is 91 and she looks 80 to me. Wonder if I will ever get her to Arizona with us? She is worring herself sick. Kelly, I love the necklace and ear rings you gave me, I wear them all the time. Love the tender words!
Santa Is Coming To Town!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


* This is our Christmas Card for the year.
Hope a fleece,
a sprout, a blade,
hope the upturned eye
the hope of worlds
this Christbirth night
awaits the morning sky.
Giles Florence
* I love December and all the Celebrating.
*We had the Wallsburg Book Group here on Tuesday. It was cozy and warm and fun.
* A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you. . ." Ezekiel 36:26

Monday, December 5, 2011


* I remember this night perfectly but I can't remember whose baby this is. Grady? Jayne? I know it isn't Kelly's, but it could be. I am in awe when I think of the love we have for each other's children. We could never give a child away but it would be easy to raise a sister's child.

* Yesterday was Fast Sunday and the Christmas Fireside. President Eyrin showed a beautiful clip of the nativity that was filmed down south in the new film set that Jason built. I am so proud of him! The cement work looked so authentic.The light that was created was amazing. We are going to be seeing a lot more inspiring film coming from that place. I wish his back would hurry up and get better. He has so many responsibilities.

* I drove down to Kim's Relief Society Lesson on Mary. That was my Christmas gift from her! She has such a dear presentation and strong testimony. I was so proud of her! Every time I turned around I received another gift, hugs from Emilee who helped with the Young Women lesson and sang at the morning side, Max who bore his testimony in Priesthood, Abbie's smile, Lucy's squeeze, and Baby Jayne's eyes you can drown in. I could feel how much the ward loves this family. They are a blessing to them and to me! Thank you Kim and Jason for putting the most important things first!

* Tonight my family comes, I am excited for this day to get ready.

* "As newborn babes--desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. . ." 1 Peter 2:2

Sunday, December 4, 2011


* I wake early is each morning excited to study, but the house is cold. I pile on several layers of warm clothing then go into the art room, plug in my trusty heater and all begins to warm. I watch the sky turn from dark to dawn. Slowly everything warms. This gift of time to study is such a blessing to me. I am thankful today for the warmth of the sun, and the Son.
* I went to Mom's house yesterday morning and she looked so tired and sick. Wish I could trade her places for a time. She wouldn't come up. I sure hope I can get her to Arizona with us! She has to come.
* I am looking forward for Monday night when we have our Bowden Family Christmas Dinner up here. Brent and Meem are coming.
* I sat in the car with Matt yesterday. It was a relief. I always hold my breath.Wish he would come up more.
* "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you. . . . and ye shall abide in him." 1 John 2:27

Saturday, December 3, 2011


*What a picture to express enthusiasm for life. I love it. There aren't too many big waves coming, and the water is nippy, yet Emilee and Jen are kicking up their heels. Bet the hot tub is going to have a mighty splash any minute!

* I am so happy. My life is blessed. We sit by the warm light of a Christmas Tree and light the candles around the baby Jesus.

*We are eating good and have yummy food in the fridge. Blackberries, pomegranates, and raspberries, Yum! Tom has lost 15 pounds, and he is happy too. He is growing a beard to express his wild side. Every time I look at him I want to laugh, sometimes I can't help it.

* I can't believe it but the dietitian that we have been going to in Heber told me to buy a pound of BYU fudge and cut it into 1 ounce pieces and have one every day. Holy Moly! How fast can I get down to BYU.

*"And if your body be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and the there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehended all things." D&C 88: 67

Monday, November 28, 2011

Three little girls

* Today I am thankful for the enthusiasm of youth. If we are to stay young at heart we must learn from children and embrace their joy in simple things.

* Tom is working on the fence over by the hill today. Wish I was going to help him.

* I am taking Mom and Suzanne to the Festival of Trees. One of my favorite things of the Christmas Season. So many generous people to watch.

* I can't get the Miller family off my mind. They keep getting the flew over and over. Jason and Kim are struggling with their backs. It feels like they are getting flooded with hard things right now. I am praying for them!!! I love the initiatory part of the temple because we get to hear repeated blessings concerning our bodies. I think they bring positive promises that will come true. Kim and Jason are going to get better!

* "For whoso is faithful unto the obtaining these two priesthoods of which I have spoken, and the magnifying their callings, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of their bodies."

D&C 84:33

Saturday, November 26, 2011


*It is Thanksgiving and I am so thankful! As I set the table I imagined each person that was coming and how much I loved them. I pictured both Kelly and Jamie with their troupe happily getting ready. I remember my Dad always calling to see if we were coming. Now I understand his need to gather his family.
* I love Tom, our life is so good right now. He is building a fence for the horses over by the hill. Last night when he was finished, and I had finished decorating for Christmas we both showered, and went on a date together. He loves his chili relano at Don Pedro's. I loved sitting in the booth with him and riding home in our warm car.
* Jason's back is still so hurt. He and Kim are both struggling with this. They are on in my thoughts, wish there was something I could do.
* Sweet Abbie, always full of adventure and wonder. She makes me happy.
* "All the things we say, the prayers we offer, the blessings that are given, the feelings we experience-both good and bad- accumulate in our homes and are felt by those who come there. We add something to the sum each day." Ann Madison

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jamie and Matt and Matt

* Jamie has always had something for Matts. She has a special touch with them. They light up her eyes. Thank you Jamie for all you have done for our Matt. He loves you! So do I!

* Everything is white and beautiful this morning.

* Four days to get ready and excited for Thanksgiving. I got two big fat turkeys yesterday. Wonder if they are goggling to each other in the fridge?

* Tom and I are trying to eat better. We are both on cholesterol medicine now and his blood sugar is coming down.

* I am studying Truman Madison's book The Temple, Where Heaven Meets Earth. It is a Thanksgiving Feast!

* The Jerusalem Center is a House of Learning, (One of the requirements for the Temple) it has "Shalom" or peace there. President Hunter dedicated it for all to feel the Spirit of the Lord." T. Madison

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Handsome Love

*What a great picture. I love those two!!! Just thinking about getting to spend some time with Jamie and her family makes me happy. How lucky are we!

* The sun is bright today. Sam is begging for our walk.

* I just finished the book Sacred Walls and I learned so much. I am thankful for early mornings when I can study. My Book of Mormon is fast becoming my dearest physical possession.

* I am excited today for the thoughts of Thanksgiving and family. How I wish we could transport Jamie and Kelly's family here. They each will have their own great family Thanksgiving, I just hate to miss out on all the talking and fixing and eating and then cleaning up together. Someday travel and our wishes to be together will be easier. Like a click of the finger. Well Maybe.

* I cleaned out my closet and all my drawers, don't' know why I always put that off so long.

* "I would exhort you that ye would come unto Christ and lay hold upon every good gift." Moroni 10:30

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


* I love this gorgeous child. She is so filled and brimming over with life!
* I had my cholesterol checked and it was a meer 303. I have spent so much time worrying about Tom's diabetes that I have been blind to my own health. I promise I am not going to watch the way he eats. I am a wife not a mother. I love him. Yesterday we went together to the health clinic and learned how to better eat, so the sky is the limit from here.
*I am excited just thinking about Thanksgiving. I hope Terry and Devon will come join us.
* "Come unto me. . and I will show unto you the greater things, the knowledge which is hid up because of unbelief." Ether 4:13

Saturday, November 12, 2011


* There is a storm brewing.

* I walked by a silky white mink this morning. He had a black end to his tail. Hope he call survive the coming winter.

* I met Julie Young at the store the other day. She seemed happy, but she opened up and shared that she had just done through breast cancer, and was in need of a kidney, but because of her cancer they couldn't give her a kidney for 3 years. . . so long to endure! She will probably go on dialysis. She also mentioned a struggling son and she has diabetes. I need to call her today! Maybe I need to organize a fund raiser. Julie has always been a dear friend to me. What a heavy load she is caring.

*"In one who is wholly coveted, desire for things contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ has actually died, and substituted therefor is a love of God with a fixed and controlling determination to keep his commandments." Marion G. Romney

Friday, November 11, 2011

Meshing Tree

*Tom wrote the letters for the little boys and they did the wood burning and painting.
* We called it the Meshing Tree because the branches actually have grown together at intersections instead of simply crossing.
* I met a dear lady at the temple yesterday that had, had a stroke. She could barely walk and the left side of her body didn't work. Yet she was there trying to serve. She taught me about humility.
* Last night I ran home so cold. I cuddled up under a blanket on the heater vent and stayed there will I was cooked. I slept so good.
* The oats in the field are beautiful. I want to gather an armful today.
* I am thankful for an entire day in Wallsburg.
* " But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always and not faint. . ." 2 Nephi 32: 9

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall is gone

* There is snow on the ground and everything is mighty nippy.
* These are the rasberries that Matt and I planted with hope that they would bloom before they froze. I think next year they just might bloom in the summer.
* Today I am thankful for this little electric heater that warms me each morning as I study.
*We finally connected with Matt and worked on his budget, again.
* "Those enlightened have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come. "Hebrews

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


* I studied this morning about Adam-Ondi-Ahman. Linda is painting the most beautiful picture of this place,for the Kansas Temple. Yesterday I mixed paint and watched her create the most heavenly sunset. It reminds me of being there once with Kelly and once with Mom.
* I hope Kim is feeling better, now she has had the stomach flew.
* We are going to the temple today and meet with Matt.
* Love the boys that made these steps.
* Adam (man of holiness) Ahman (Father in Heaven) After Adam and Eve left the garden they migrated 80 miles north to a place called Adam-Ondi-Ahman. The voice of the Lord could be heard wherever they went.

Monday, November 7, 2011


*I love how Kelly's girls love to play house. "I am the Mom, I will take care of all my babies." Millie and Maizie line their babies up on the steps and talk to them and take care of them. When I was at Kelly's, Millie and I washed all her babies. She loved it.

*I remember the girls painting their own little houses for their fairy house.

* Today I am starting to mix paint for the Brigham City Temple Baptistery. My Dad would have loved to see a temple being built in his home town.

* I am baking Pumpkin Nut Bread this morning and it smells good.

* I am thankful for the crispness of the air and the homeness of home.

* Where is Matt?

* "A child needs a mother more than all the things money can buy." President Benson

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stepping Stone

*The kids thought when they stepped on this stone, it allowed them to enter a magic world. I like it because it is the name of Kim's Gratitude Journal, something I love to read. I am thankful for computers that can help us stay connected.

* I love the changing of the seasons.

* I love the Sabbath. I am learning to feel peace.

* I cut Annabell's hair yesterday and it brought back memories of cutting Jim's thick black hair. Benjamin locked us out of the house. Nicole came on our Saturday night date to get Pizza. We are trying to get her to come to church with us.

* I am working on a cottage in the woods for the Festival of Trees, so much fun!

* Still haven't heard from Matt.

* "If we are to find peace we must find it win in ourselves." Ferrell

Friday, November 4, 2011


* What a great day it was when we went to the tire store to find some tires for swings. I like to peek through this tree hole and imagine little bodies there.
* Took Mom to the Draper Temple yesterday for Sean Clark's wedding. We got to see the temple mural and check out the butterfly behind the chair. Mom seemed fragile. I must be careful not to wear her out.
* I am sorry about a conversation on the phone with Matt, wish I could take my words back. He lost his phone and now there is no connection with him. He is driving without a licence which makes my stomach turn over. Thinking of him makes me sad.
* Tom is my refuge from any storm. I love him!
*"Knowest thou not, that thou art a spark of Deity, struck from the fire of His eternal blaze." John Taylor

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Key

* This is the rusty key that opens the front door to the Messing Tree and my heart.
* Yesterday I spent time in the temple with Tom. We met Sister Rogers, Ted Van Buren's Sister. I love her. She is my soul mate.
* Kim's back is feeling better, tomorrow she does for a MRI. I pray for her.
* Maybe Jamie found an apartment for us. My fingers are crossed.
* I had a good talk on the phone with Matt.
* Dear Kelly sent us a CD with music that brings back so many memories. I do have brilliant children! Wish I could attend their school.
* I am thankful for this thanksgiving month.
*"Now, what do we hear in the gospel which we have received? A voice of gladness." D & C 128:19

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

* Today I am thankful for my family!!! A visit from the Millers on Sunday night was such a welcome treat! I am praying for Kim's, and Jason's backs to feel better. Dang those backs!
* The Clarks had such a wonderful Halloween Dinner last night. Complete with floating heads in a boiling brew, tasty poppers, yummy french dip sandwiches, and great costumes. I loved Trick or Treating with Katy and the Birthday Man Shawn. Thank you Clarks for letting us be part of you.
* Jamie and Kelly's kids left messages on our phone. Tom and I stood in the kitchen for the longest time just listening to the voices we love. Oh my heart!
* Matt has hurt his ankle, he seems forlorn at the moment. I long for him to find happiness.
* I had my computer cleaned and now I can't even figure out how to post pictures anymore. Unbelievable, but I can still be grateful, and that I am . I love life and my dear family!!
* Last night Tom and I layed in bed and read in Mormon Doctrine about polygamy, a thought spurred by Bret. Tom has taken such an interest in The Mormon Doctrine. He has almost studied the whole thing. I love when he stops and reads out loud to me. Our nights are so much more interesting!
*"Keeping the Sabbath is a perpetual covenant. A physical sign for a spiritual law."

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Meshing Tree

* Today brings the first cold temperatures. Probably everything will freeze. I must gather the nasturtium seeds, and put the messing tree treasures away. I can't turn into our little road with out looking at this mighty willow tree and hearing excited children voices. The boys carry the hammers and nails. The girls arms are full of treasures to decorated the limbs. I love these dear children in my life. I feel like I would love to live my life in a big tree with children and their dreams.
* Mom has been staying at Wallsburg again. She is starting to become more comfortable.
* I am spending time on the computer trying to find us a Arizona rental for the winter months.
* I made granola and it tastes so good with a banana and milk.
*"The acquiring of spiritual intelligence through experience in a fallen world is the treasure we've come for."

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


*Kim's back is still so hurt. wish I could trade her places so she could hold her busy family together.
* Mckinnley made cheerleader! What fun for her!
* When we got home last night one of Tom's horses was laying down, I think she has colic. Hope we didn't put them out in the field too soon and more will get sick!
* "We. . .have great views of that which is to come. . ." Mosiah 4:3

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jayne and Roland

* Jayne and Roland sold their cabin, and I miss them. This red door and the wreath make me smile. Roland is patient and quiet, Jayne exuberant, always planning something new to do. We had many good talks in the booth eating Mexican Food. Soup and crusty bread is our favorite.

* The world is beautiful this fall morning.

* We are working on Matt's car. He is so anxious to drive again.

* Nicole comes often and reads. She helps me do anything heavy. We washed the garage windows yesterday and carried out a million horse magazines.

* Tom and I have been going to the temple each week.

* "All those who keep the Sabbath and take hold of my covenant. . .I will bring to my holy mountain. . . and give them an everlasting name." Isaiah 56:4-5,7

Monday, October 17, 2011


* Camille Olsen took our Primary assignments so that we could do to Katy and Shawn's Primary Program. They both were the stars of course. It felt so good to sit with Bret and Nicole. Nicole gave the opening prayer. I am so thankful for her goodness! Jenny went to the pulpit and was welcomed in to Mia Maids. I love those good people in that ward. They helped us raise our kids. Everyone tells us how much they love Bret and Nicole.

* Both Kim and Matt have hurt backs today. Darn those Clark gens. Kelly has a bad cold and feels discouraged. Tom struggled to the bathroom at 8:00 gave me a short hug and slowly crawled back in bed. He hurts all over. Maybe today will be the day he will walk with me and eat better. Oh how I hope! My stomach feels so big and lazy.Learning how to take care of our bodies is a forever challenge.

* My morning walk took me down the Valley because the sun was hitting those mountains with brilliance. It rained all night so the air is crisp and the fall colors are bright. There are big night crawlers on the road. Tom got his fishing licence on Saturday, maybe we could go fishing this afternoon.

* "Broken souls can be healed only by one who takes that brokeness upon himself but doesn't break." James Ferrell

Sunday, October 16, 2011


* I am thankful for the changing seasons.

* I love Wallsburg.

* I love Tom and our life.

* I need the peace that can be found here.'

* "If we are to find peace, we must find it within ourselves".

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


* Tom and I spent the day cleaning the back porch, moving the hutch, putting all the table and chairs away. There is change in the air and even Sam can feel it. Tom is so methodical as he winds each hose perfectly. I love fall! I love Tom!

* The baseball games have started, we love watching them together.

* I am taking the crib down to Provo for Chuck, Lisa's boy, because they are going to have triplets. I want to fix the down stairs bedroom better for Mom. I am going to bring her up every Thursday Night. . . I hope she will come.

*". . .by the ministering of angels, and by every word which proceeded for out of the mouth of God, men began to exercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith, they did lay hold upon every good thing. . ." Moroni 7:25

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The human soul

* I just finished reading the Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I haven't been able to put it down. I was laying in bed early this morning, but I had to sit up because my ears were filling up with tears. The human soul is so amazing. There was a warm accordion playing man who takes in a homeless seven year old girl. He sits and holds her night after night when she wakes up dreaming about her younger brother who died on the train. He plays the accordion for her. He also hides a young Jew in his basement. He offers a old man in a Jewish death march a piece of bread and is labeled a Jew Lover. All things then change. There are so many books to read, and lessons to learn. Today I am thankful for my eyes, and these $1.00 glasses. I am thankful for my Book Club friends who have encouraged me to read.
* During conference I savored a Symphony Bar, this morning when I finished my book I had warm camels, salted peanuts and a crisp Golden Delicious Apple. What is the deal with me and food. It always comforts me in any situation.
* We finished the electric fence and put all Tom's horses out front in the pasture. They can run and eat to their content now. Tom was so tired last night.
* I love talking to Matt each night. Last night he made spaghetti.
* I miss Kelly's family!!!
* "For I am able to make you holy. . ." D&C 60:7

Monday, October 10, 2011


* Abbie spilled paint in her neighbors bedroom. Kim spent the whole night trying to clean it up. It reminds me of the time I pushed the garage door button down on Allison's Murphy's red convertible. Her Mom happened to be washing it at the time and I have never heard so many swear words. My stomach still fills sick when I think about it. Abbie this will pass, time heals all things. I know you didn't mean to do it. You are such a sweetheart, and you played great in your volleyball game on Saturday!
* I loved watching Max's football game. He tries so hard at everything. He is growing up so fast.
* I am so grateful that my computer is working this morning.
* I am reading "The Holy Secret" by Ferrell. I found it in Heaths amazing library and Kelly let me bring it home. He speaks of loving the scriptures, the Sabbath and the Temple.
* ". . .come unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit." 3 Nephi 12:19

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Author and Finisher

* The kids came up Sunday Night. We ate on the porch and braved the sun and the flies. Jason got so excited baking cookies and topping them with ice cream and hot fudge. He likes to have his dessert right after dinner. I love enthusisam. Both Nichole and Tom have hurt back right now. Backs are always so slow to heal. I am wishing them more speed. I love it when we take time to talk about the kids and all they are doing. Everyone is busy.
* I had such fun having the kids sleep over. Thank you Kim and Nic for sharing.We had to chase flies in the loft with the vacuum. Everyone ended up sleeping all over. Katy and Abbie in my room, Tyler and Max wanted the couch, Lucy wanted me to sleep with her in a cubby, a little tight, Shawn in the sleigh bed, and Emilee and Jenny in the bedroom down stairs. I walked around after they were all asleep and loved them with my eyes. We had muffins in the Messing Tree for breakfast and made lip gloss for the big girls. What a grand Labor Day for me!
* I love how Madison is gentle with Millie in this picture, and how her skirt is hiked up in the back. I like the movement in Emilee's shirt. I can feel the warmth of the sand on their feet.
*"Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. . . " Hebrews 12:2

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday McKinnley!!! You are double cute! I am trying to figure out this new blog stuff and my computter keeps losing the internet, but for the moment things are looking mighty fine. You are a marvel and I love you! Can't wait to come see you! I want to hear many juicy details about your life.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

California Memories

*My computer is working, happy day in the morning!
*I love these four flying marvels! They were such good sports to let me take pictures of them in white on the beach. I now have pictures of heaven to eat up all winter.
* I get to spend a whole week at Kelly's house, scrumptous!
* Today we are going down to watch Katy play soccer.
* We are having diner with Matt. I long to know all the details of his life.
* I have a beautiful picture of the Savior in my art room.
* life is beautiful.
* "I thank my great God that he has given us a portion of his spirit to soften our hearts. Alma 24:8

Friday, June 17, 2011

A new day

*When I get the most discouraged I just need to breath and wait for the morning. It is always better, fresh and alive with new hope. I have learned so much from working at the temple these last two years. Something that frightened me so has become my greatest joy. As I looked at the sisters faces who I have trained, I feel such warmth for them. Humble Sister Monson sitting across from me in the rocking chair with her eyes closed trying so hard to remember, lonely Sister Mutz who casually mentioned at the end of our day that her liver is only working 15%, and Sister Davis who raises her arms and beams when she mentions about our sins being washed clean. I think these ladies will be my friends forever. I will miss quiet times studying with them. They are my inspiration.
* The kids came to sleep last night. Max fell asleep on the chair and ottoman watching Sports Beat with Tom. I can't get him to budge to get him to a bed. He is in a coma. How did he get so big? I don't think I can carry him anymore. Katy is talking in her sleep, Lucy chose a cubby to sleep in so she didn't have to have the deer on the wall watch her sleep, Abbie and Jayne are all wrapped up in each other in Archie's Room. I just rubbed Tom's sore shoulders, he says he walked a million miles today doing the sprinklers without me. He is slimming down! I am ready to go crawl back in bed and wait for the real sunrise.
* I am thankful for life!
* "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee." Job 42:5

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I watch every morning for the poppies to bloom. Each year I promise that I will take an easel outside and paint them. This year is different, I am going to paint them. For some crazy reason they are challenging me to see if I can make time for this inner need. Tom and I have our usual spring overwhelment. We wonder what we are doing caring for this big piece of property. How did we get here? We love it, in fact it is our piece of heaven, but we are watching our strength and enthusiasm wane. We crawl in bed so tired, knowing what waits the next morning. Tom is loosing weight. He is brown and handsome. I wish we could snap our fingers and find ourselves in a cozy home with two horses and a small yard. We did build this life and we must figure it out.
* "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?. . . Nay, in all things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." Romans 8: 35,37

Monday, June 13, 2011


* McKinnley gets to go to Nauvoo! Oh what fond memories I have of that little town. McKinnley when you walk down the road to the river with the signs and the testimonies drink it all in for all of us. When you get to enter that historic temple breath deep and listen, many miracles have happened there. Call me when you get home and share one of your journal entries. You must write things down or you will forget. I love you Kenners. You are my first born grandchild, heart of my heart. Have a blast and make some new friends. I will be waiting to hear from you.
* It is a beautiful morning. I am thankful for the sun and the green fields.
* Today is a day to celebrate.
* "The gradual increase of light radiating from the rising sun is like receiving a message from God. . . granted according to our desire, worthiness, and preparation. Such communications from our Heavenly Father gradually and gently "distil upon our souls as the dews from heaven." Elder Bednar

Sunday, June 12, 2011


*Is this child magical or what? She can hardly wait. Her eyes are glowing and my heart is always stirred by her. Millie I love you!

* It is Sunday morning early and I am walking out to turn off one of the sprinkler lines that has been on too long. I want to pick some lilacs for Kathy. Her liver has now shut down and she keeps throwing up. Wish I could trade days with her and give her a break. I am trying to learn.

* Yesterday the "up the hill" kids helped us pick up rocks so we took them to the rodeo last night. We ran up the the volcano at the Homestead. Little red haired Lance, who came to live with his Mom and her boyfriend, cut off the PRIZE elk's beard. I mean the elk head that is five feet tall and its nose almost touches you as you step inside the front door. He didn't even think to hide the cut hair on the ground. What was he thinking? I hope he stays alive this summer. That kid reminds me of one of Peter Pan's lost boys.

* I cut Anna Belle's hair short. We washed it four times and it still needs another 10 times.

* The whole Miller family sat in the hot sun yesterday trying to sell lemonade. I think I was their only customer.

* Sam and Arron our new neighbors are coming for dinner tonight. I like them. They are young and happy.

* Tyler helped me tie an old window frame in the fairy tree. Now I need some little children to come and gather their treasures from the pink trunk and hang them "thither and yon" as Jane would say.

"Sincere desire and worthiness invites the spirit of revelation into our lives." David Bednar

Saturday, June 11, 2011


* Matt is doing so good. Thank you Bret and Nic! Thank you Archie!

* The hay sprouts are appearing in the fields.

* We have picked up another million rocks.

* Mom, Shawn and Tyler stayed a night. It felt so nice.

* Adam, Jess, Shawn, Jenny and a friend spent the night in the loft last night. I just took them down to begin their 26 mile race down to the Provo Tabernacle. What great kids.

* We broke a water line two nights ago, and spent the night in water, mud, and wind. Bed never felt so good.
* I need to study and walk long bench.

* "Lord what wilt thou have me do?" Acts 9:

Monday, June 6, 2011


* Max took first in the fourth grade field day marathon, and almost first in the whole school. He is sporting his new summer hair cut, a first place ribbon, and an otter pop. I love how Max humbly responds to his many athletic accomplishments. He is a kind, obedient, hard working child. Friends flock to him, and the girls are going to have to wait. Max you are a winner! We are always proud of you!
* Tom and I changed the water twice today. Tonight the sky was so beautiful. That gorgeous afterglow as the sun goes down. We ate chocolate pudding on the back swings. Mine hot, Tom's cold. Life is good!
* I am painting, if feels so nice.
* "Those who diligently seek to learn of Christ eventually will come to know Him." Dieter F Uchtdorf

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


* We met at 5 Guys for a hamburger and Lucy ran up to me at started singing every words to a new Primary Song, dispite the fact that there were people squished in every inch. She has so much confidence right now, I hope she never looses it. This morning she stood on her fireplace ledge and sang every single song for her kindergarten program with all the actions, hip swivels and smiles. I love this delightful child. May we all be more like her!

* Tom helped me plant geraniums this afternoon.

* We ate on the back porch. Baked Tilopia, Blue Cheese salad, fried zucchini and onions, and date nut bread.

* The night is warm and I can't sleep.

* I swam in Mom's pool this morning, the heater is broken and it was mighty chilly.

* We planted Mom's flowers.

* "I'd like to bestow an award on grandparents who, are not content to live their lives in their children's shadows, but continue to grow and work independently and enthusiastically." Leo Buscagilia

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grandview Neieghbors

* This was a trip down memory lane to have our old neighbors come to dinner. We sat for four hours around our table and laughed over so many growing up times. Berk was so funny. We talked of all the 40 children that were in our 5 houses, the many street and yard hours that we spent together. We are older and plumper but our hearts are so grateful for the blessing of living on Grand Ave, right down the street from the church and Westridge.These are our dear, crazy friends who played a big part in our child-rearing years. I love them.
* Randy and Debbie came to dinner last night and we cried together about life. They will always be our friends.
* . . .to loaf and invite the soul." Walt Whitman

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Soul Mate!

* I love having a soul mate that I wake up early to come see his new baby colt. He pretends he can't get his eyes open, or pull on his boots, but all the time he is just bursting with anticipation. He won't hold still for a picture or keep a straight face. But this is his time. He has hauled hay all winter long for this brief spring miracle. He is alive and joyful. I must always find joy in his joy. We have horses everywhere, coming out our ears. The house is surrounded with their noises. Breeding, nursing, pacing, running, bouting, munching, and finally collapsing for a nap in the sun. Our open windows make me feel I am constantly in the middle of this interesting horse story. Yesterday Tom's pride and joy Trigger was facing his first experience with mares. He ended up being kicked so hard and now he is down at Spanish Fork at the vet. We used to take our children to the doctor but now it is the horses. Tom's deep concern is still the same . He is a caring man. I love him and our horsey life.

* The first cherries of the year

* Mom came to Wallsburg and we rode around on the the 4 wheeler. We took a nap in my bed and then watched Oprah's last show. We loved it!

* "He who does not get fun and enjoyment out of his life needs to reorganizes his life." Kelly

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


* I love this beautiful child who is almost a Young Woman. Her adorable brown face that is at ease with life, big sparkly Check Spellingeyes, a grin that goes with the most beguiling giggle, and a touch of red fingernail polish here and there. Madison was the child to help me fold laundry and know just which drawers to put them in when Kelly was down with her back. She swims like a fish as is as limber as octopus. Madison inspires me!
* I am grateful for more sweet smelling rain??? I am. Everything is florescent.
* I am going to paint today!
* We pulled out the patio furniture, and cleaned the porch.
* "Fear not, little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come." D. & C. 35:27

Monday, May 23, 2011


* Emilee called last night and we talked. I want to hear her poem and see her art about the tulips at Thanksgiving Point. She runs like the wind. I love her!
* The morning is fresh from last night's rain.
* We had the year's first barbecued hamburger. The evening was beautiful.
* I am going to be with Margie this morning. We need to catch her mice!
* Clothed in Christ's enabling power and obedient to His will, Eve gave direction and purpose to all her faithful daughters."

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The number three

* The number three has never looked so delightful! I love these little boys! Sunday ties poking out over their collars. Dax's big grin, Jace has my tip of the head, Grady's serious eyes. What joy and enthusiasm they have brought to life. They look delectable to me. I would like to kiss those warm necks and hear them giggle. I am happy just thinking of them. I cleaned the sand pile out yesterday for them.
* I sat in the river yesterday because is was calmer, and cleaned out a giant damn of trees and branches. It felt like pulling a tooth after the water finally ran free. Ah! It reminded me of when I had my Birthday Parties at the cabin and we would always go on creek hikes. The river is louder today.
* Tahoe still hasn't had her baby this morning.
* Monday night all of our old neighbors are coming to dinner. I am so looking forward to it. I see the ladies but I haven't seen Gary or Burke for so long.
* Tom said Bret has some people wanting to sell and buy. I have my toes crossed.
* " Lord, I would place my hand in Thine, nor ever murmur nor repine, content, whatever lot I see, since 'tis my God that leadeth me."

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Point

* I love my Mom and sister. Won't it be grand when we are all the same age and healthy again. I wonder how close Dad is?
* Dear friends at Book Club last night, each working out of their home, trying to keep their families going.
* It snowed, rained, and howled all night. I worried about the new little filly, "Baby Jayne" and Tahoe. This morning they are still standing.
* President Daul told in prayer meeting at the temple that we all chose to come to earth at this very time to face these challenges and endure. The world will get more wicked and we will need to get stronger.
* ". . . feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." 2 Nephi 32:3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kade is a peacemaker

* Kade remember when we slept together in your bed in Orem. You had a bad cough and we had to sneak out on your front porch and sit in the cold air so that you could breath better?
* Remember when you put on my big rubber boots and helped Grandpa change the water?
* Remember when you taught me how to collect Nasturtium seeds?
* Remember when you made fairy hammock's for the girl's fairy house?
* Remember when I got to sit in the stands and cheer for you? I didn't even notice the cold wind because you kept making the most incredible tackles.
* Remember when I dropped you off to school and all your friends rushed over to walk by you?
* Remember when you stayed at Wallsburg and I was afraid of the pond because Maizie was so little? You stayed by her side the entire time and kept her safe.
* Remember when you counted all your missionary money on the bed in Seatle? I was so amazed. Then we walked in the rain and you showed me secret places.
*Remember when. . . I do! I love you Mr. Kade!
* " And ye will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably. . . " Mosiah 4 13