The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Friday, June 25, 2010

A bed big enough for two sisters and a Mom

* I am packing to take Mom down to the ranch. Can't wait to spend some quiet time with Mom and Diane. I know she will have a bed big enough for all three of us to climb in.
* Emilee and Jenny were so much fun on the noodles in Grandma's Pool. We had the craziest races.
* I found some bed springs form the little sheep herder's cabin on the mountain.
* We are bailing hay, Matt came up to help, he seems good.
* Tom just walked in with his brand new marvelous teeth. . . so handsome!
* ". . .be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall rest in their souls." Alma 37:34

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Washing of feet

* I think of Grandma Larsen so often when I look at this light shade.
* I had the best talk on the phone with Kelly.
* Mom came and slept over for two nights it felt so good
* Went on a hike to flat bench with Tyler and Max. We found 30 different kinds of wild flowers. Max found the sword of Laman, Tyler the dagger of Moroni.
* The little girls slept over and Abbie said, "This is the best day of my life."
* "We must attend to the ordinance of washing of feet. . . it is calculated to unite our hearts that we may be one in feeling and sentiment, and that our faith may be strong. . ." Joseph Smith

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22

* It is my birthday and I have had the most wonderful day! My blessings are many! I so loved the Birthday Calls from the kids.
* An early morning walk on flat bench.
* Blueberry pancakes with real maple syrup
* The Internet man just came and put a new, big dish on my roof so it should work better
* Thank heavens for Dr. Maugh, Tom is down getting new front teeth.
* We have a new front porch swing
* D & C 19: 38 "Pray always, and I will pour out my spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessings."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Soul Mate

* Today I am thankful for Diane. I want to connect with her more often.
* I loved hearing the excitement in Kim's voice as she talked about Max and his basketball camp at BYU.
*Lucy has such an amazing gusto for life. She swims, sings, and smiles with all her heart. She even sang the Christmas "Walking In The Air" song to me. How did she remember?
* I am loving the book The Undaunted
*Instead of marrying a soul mate we marry a unique person and embark on learning to become a soul mate.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fox Gloves or "folks gloves"

* We watched our first lightening storm on the back porch last night.
* Lorie Butters bore her testimony in Church, such a brave thing for her to do. I cried the rest of church
* I am meeting Kim today for fancy toes, can't wait.
* I scrubbed ovens at the cannery with Bonnie Lossee, what a hoot.
* We must leave off trying to perfect our spouse and study how best to apply the principles of love in ourselves. Marriage may be one of our greatest tutorials in perfecting love in ourselves. One's exceedingly great kindness to one's spouse will bear rich fruit in mutual tender feelings.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


* I am grateful for this brown round face. He makes me laugh. Yesterday he sat in the dentist chair, asking for a blanket for his back and a pillow for his head, he had the head phones on his ears so he could watch the Lord of the Rings, happy gas on his nose and his mouth wide open. We are getting him new front teeth. Something he has needed for a long time, he has had a big chip in the front for several years. He always says I am just a Wallsburg farmer and nobody cares. When it was over his whole mouth and face was dead. He was so funny. He sticks his front lip out like Bart Simmons, and we both laugh till we cry. He is very handsome, and I love him.
* The lupins are blooming on the mountain
* Sweet little Levi got baptised today. I can still hear him inviting a dog to come sleep over at his dog's Pepper's a trailer when we went to the last horse show. He gravitates to animals.
* I am thinking of the girls sleeping over. Tess is our summer story
* " And now my brethren, I judge these things of you because of your peaceable walk with the children of men." Moroni 7: 4

Friday, June 4, 2010


**Tom is sound asleep, he is warm and relaxed and I love him. Mornings are such a struggle for him. Each day I learn more about him. "Our spouse was not given to us to satisfy us, but for us to love." I believe this!
* At the temple today I helped six young girls who were receiving their endowments. They were so innocent and darling. It was the best part of any day.
* Grandma and I found a bathing suit for her today. We got black swimming material to modest it up a little. Will I get her in the pool???
* My scuba friends are coming for dinner and to watch the DVD for our test.
* I picked up the Miller pictures from Cosco, such gorgeous people for my frames. I love them!
* "For that which ye do send out shall return unto you again. . ." Alma 41:15 The Secret, The Law of Attraction

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Gift

* Today is my best day so far! What a gift!
* My walk was filled with cool misty air. There were millions of dandelions. It rained all night and everything is lush green.
* The Messing Tree is covered in a lime green moss
* Morley sat on his front step in pure grumpiness. I would like to clean up his yard with Tyler and Max.
* Today I feel like, "singing with grace in my heart to the Lord". Colossians 3: 16


** I am thinking of Lagona this morning, fresh air and children with paper cups on the beach. Lucy called and left a message on the answering machine "Are we going to the beach this summer?"
* It rained last night and everything smells wonderful
* Kelly has a staff infection, ( not sure what that means?) thank heavens for medicine.
* I went to a scuba diving class last, something I have always wanted to do.
* Today is the last day for cutting down trees. I met four beautiful children who sat up and had soup in the booth. They all had wonder in their eyes.
* It is possible to feel an irrepressible joy even in the midst of seeming chaos, because, as the Apostle Paul teaches, there is a peace which passes understanding. Philippians 4:7