The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


*This morning I feel a wave of blessings in my life
*For one thing I have a computer again that I can follow the kids blogs
* Everything is coming alive in Wallsburg. I can't wait to work in the dirt today.
* Margie and I went on a ride yesterday. We went to the cemetery and visited Phinie and Bill. Mom did her usual cleaning off any dead grass and she talked to them. I can't wait to get to know them both better. I remember Grandpa from giving him baths with Mom when he had cancer and was dieing. I was only four.
*She went to my favorite little quiet boutique and I got a flower basket. It sings of spring.
* Tom and I ate the best shrimp salad last night. I love that man!
* Today I am taking Sam to the groomer. Hope she doesn't put that silly scarf on him. He gets so embarrassed.
* I feel so filled with the joy of life today, I am more than grateful!
*"When you hear His words echoing in your own voice,"forgive them for they know not what they do." then you will begin to see the Master in the mirror. His image will appear to you there first. Your countenance will look more like His: more humble, more contrite, more obedient and filled with more light than you are right now." Snuffer

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