The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Monday, January 2, 2012


*This was Emilee sick as a dog on Christmas Eve. She is still so beautiful. I sat next to her last night at the table. I mentioned that we could write down our New Year's Resolution. She was the only one to grab a card and write. I want to write in my journal, have morning and night prayers, read my scriptures every day. Emilee I want to be like you, those are going to be ny resolutions too. I am so proud that you go to the temple once a month at 4:30 A.M. before school to do baptisms for the dead. I love you!
* It is hard for me to leave Kim and Nicole. They are my dearest friends. Just thinking about them makes me happy. Kim has on her back brace. I pray in the long run she will be feel better! Nicole and Bret looked so fancy in their new Christmas brown (not matching) sweaters. Nicole's eyes are bright. I think she loves being a mom and wife.
* The kids were all so clean and busy and happy. Oh how I wish my neighbors up the street could see what happy children look like. I am going to miss Nicole Butters, she calls us three times a week to see if she can come be with us. She is always wanting to go to dinner on Friday or Saturday night, or ride over to get a hamburger for lunch. I answer the phone and she says "Hi, what you doing?"
* I miss Sam. Every time I walk pass the kitchen door I look for him. Every morning he runs around the house to whatever window is closest to where I am and begs me to walk with him. Sam teaches me that small habits become our life. I want to develop the best of habits.
* I have four new books to devour in Arizona, I can hardly wait. Divine Signatures is calling to me.
* I am so thankful to be alive and have another new day. I get to sit in the car with Tom and Mom all day. What an adventure.
*"Fear not, let your heart be comforted;yea. rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks; waiting patiently on the Lord." D & C 98"1

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