The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Friday, November 9, 2012


* This morning I feel humble. My head hurts and it is still dark. I don't think we are suppose to start our day out pooped. But there is a pounding rain on the window. My thought are so much different because I live in Wallsburg. I am welcoming the rain. It has been so dry this year. The horses are out scrounging for food and I hope we will get enough moisture for next spring's growth.
* Kim has had surgery and she is doing so good. She is an amazing Mom. I took Lucy and Jayne home one night last week, and they talked non stop. So much life, such enthusiasm. Oh how I love watching them. They are like little miniature miracles.
* Dear Michael Slingerland is in intensive care. Yesterday I looked at his gentle face all hooked up to a dozen tubes. He looked so innocent. Peter sat next to his bed with his ski hat pulled down. When Michael would fight and be confused Peter would pull his hat down lower and cry. Josh was there too. Suzanne looked to tired and her feet were killing her. What memories we have of the people who were so much apart of our lives. Michael has a 50 50 chance. This next week will be hard.
*Jenny made the Provo High Basketball team!!!
*Mom fell yesterday while I was there. We had just moved a stool with a little white church on it. I had said, Mom I am afraid you are going to trip on this and sure enough she did. I need to be careful of my thoughts because sometimes they come true.
* I have been listening to Kim's kids pray for Mitt, their Mom, and Matt.  Well Mitt lost, and everything has been very subdued since. Matt did finally send me an e-mail last night and Kim is getting better.
*" For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

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