The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


We are in Anthem, it is such fun to be with Jamie's and her family. They make us so happy. Grandma changes her mind every 10 minutes and wants to go home. We are heading to church. I get the Internet occasionally when my neighbor is using hers. I just need to get my own. But for right now this is OK. Last night there was a two murders right behind our wall. One deputy died and one of the gang member who were trying to break into a medical buildings, probably for drugs. We had helicopters and police cars everywhere at 4:00 this morning with search lights. What excitement! I am sending love to all my family this Sunday morning. XOXOXO

Monday, January 2, 2012


*This was Emilee sick as a dog on Christmas Eve. She is still so beautiful. I sat next to her last night at the table. I mentioned that we could write down our New Year's Resolution. She was the only one to grab a card and write. I want to write in my journal, have morning and night prayers, read my scriptures every day. Emilee I want to be like you, those are going to be ny resolutions too. I am so proud that you go to the temple once a month at 4:30 A.M. before school to do baptisms for the dead. I love you!
* It is hard for me to leave Kim and Nicole. They are my dearest friends. Just thinking about them makes me happy. Kim has on her back brace. I pray in the long run she will be feel better! Nicole and Bret looked so fancy in their new Christmas brown (not matching) sweaters. Nicole's eyes are bright. I think she loves being a mom and wife.
* The kids were all so clean and busy and happy. Oh how I wish my neighbors up the street could see what happy children look like. I am going to miss Nicole Butters, she calls us three times a week to see if she can come be with us. She is always wanting to go to dinner on Friday or Saturday night, or ride over to get a hamburger for lunch. I answer the phone and she says "Hi, what you doing?"
* I miss Sam. Every time I walk pass the kitchen door I look for him. Every morning he runs around the house to whatever window is closest to where I am and begs me to walk with him. Sam teaches me that small habits become our life. I want to develop the best of habits.
* I have four new books to devour in Arizona, I can hardly wait. Divine Signatures is calling to me.
* I am so thankful to be alive and have another new day. I get to sit in the car with Tom and Mom all day. What an adventure.
*"Fear not, let your heart be comforted;yea. rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks; waiting patiently on the Lord." D & C 98"1

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

2011 has been a great year!

* Dad built his barn, one of his dreams. Now he wants to finish the stalls and the inside.

* We are working on keeping his diabetes under control. That is huge!

* I love him, he is my greatest blessing!

* I was lucky enough to tend the Miller, Clark and Thompson children while their parents traveled. My favorite thing!

* We are actually going to Arizona for 3 months. I am hoping this will be a lead into a mission soon, but I must not mention that to Tom!

* Every New Years one of my resolutions is to take better care of Mom. She is coming with us to Arizona so now I have a my wish.

* Weekly work is the Temple brings me the greatest peace.
* Some of my favorite books I read this year are The Holy Temple, The Sabbath, The House of Glory, The Holy Secret, The Book Thief.
* The kids came up for scones last night. It felt so good to knell around the table. Bret asked Tom to say the prayer. He was tender. I have the best family in the world. I am missing the one child in Spanish Fork. He gives the best prayers too.d
* "Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar His face is to us." Ezra Taft Benson